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Monday, May 7, 2012


No one has claimed a pair of silver glasses left at the April meeting.
Dolores Curry still has them.


The meeting was opened at 5:30 p.m. by President Dolores Curry. Attending were: Dolores Curry, Vivian Lamont, Dottie Dubuisson, Rosemary Kirkland, Rev. Carl Reeves, Pattie Krakowski, Ann Hill, Robin Reshard, Sheikh Sahe el din, the Sheldon Powell, Dr. Alexa Canady-Davis, Brad Nihls, Diane Mack, Rose George, Jewel Cannada-Wynn, Beverly Perry, Neil Richards and Rose McPherson. Guests included Columbus and Linda Thompson and Ryan Winterberg-Lipp, administrator of the Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency. Minutes were read and approved.

Rev. Carl Reeves answered questions from members, noting that it is OK for citizens to share photos of offenders but that the police cannot do this. He said the removal of Waterfront Mission to Herman St. will alleviate some of the problems arising from the transient population.

Guest Linda Thompson invited everyone to the 9th annual free Juneteenth festival on June 16 from noon to 5 pm at Maritime Park. Contact for more info.

Ryan Winterberg-Lipp reminded everyone of the city’s project to make both Spring and Baylen two-way streets.  She said the plan had been held up by the state Department of Transportation, but that bids for this project would be going out the week of May 7. There will also be two public hearings on this project. It should be before City Council at the end of June.

Brad Nihls said he recently moved here from Chicago with his wife and daughter.

Sheldon Powell introduced himself as the son of the Rev. John Powell.

Vivian Lamont said the Belmont Youth Band will be playing at Juneteenth, Cordova Mall, a cerebral palsy fundraiser and at the Maritime Park grand opening.

Neil Richards invited everyone to the special Mother’s Day version of Hot Glass Cold Beer event on Friday at the Belmont Building.

Sheikh Aziz introduced his brother Darrell of the Nation of Islam.

Dolores Curry reminded everyone of the Legion Field discussion at 6:30 pm at Sanders Beach.

Dottie Dubuisson discussed a baseball history lecture she attended. She reported that Jessica Bell is the new special projects coordinator of the city’s Office of Sustainability. (The former coordinator Cindy Williams recently resigned.)
Ms. Dubuisson said an Apple-oriented computer store is opening on Palafox St. She also gave a brief summary of several meetings she has attended. She brought in a sample card for the City Council public speakers forum and explained the process that allows citizens to speak on any topic.

She also said that the city’s Code Enforcement is moving aggressively through the city and that residents need to address any citation or face steep accruing fines.

Diane Mack said the City is now enforcing a long-standing ordinance that residents are responsible for maintaining the right-of-way adjacent to their homes as she learned from a friend who lives at A and Chase Street.

Jewel Cannada-Wynn said she has gotten the required number of petitions to be a candidate for County Commissioner for District 3.

Dr. Alexa Canada-Davis said the County Commissioners have said they will not close the libraries, but reminded everyone there is likely to be two or three different commissioners in office in the fall, so they may not be held to that pledge.

Dr. Canada-Davis said the library board has tabled long-term planning for now, but two goals are a safe crossing over Cervantes for children coming from the north and protecting the size of the 4,800 square feet design for the new Legion Field library.

There was some discussion about the status of the Belmont-DeVilliers website, but no decisions were made.

Ms. Curry and Eddie Todd will follow through on the banners to be purchased with the $500 donation of Ronald Townsend.

It was moved and approved to send a potted plant as congratulations to Rishy Studer on the opening of her new shop on Palafox.

Robin Reshard obtained permission from the group to film our next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm, and all enjoyed a delectable feast courtesy of Sheikh Aziz and Food for the Soul’s Joyce James and Gilbertina Anderson. The new catering and event planning service is housed at the DeVilliers Café across the street. They brought an array of finger sandwiches, veggie and fruit plates, homemade soup and desserts. Their specialty is wedding cakes, pies, tarts, homemade breads, cobblers and other baked items. You can reach them at 850-449-4297, 281-7212 or