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Monday, January 24, 2011

Jan. 5, 2011 Minutes of the Belmont-DeVilliers Neighborhood Association Meeting

The meeting was opened at 5:35 p.m. by President Dolores Curry.

Attending were: Dolores Curry, Rosemary Kirkland, the Rev. John H. Powell, Dottie Dubuisson, Vivian Lamont, Councilwoman Diane Mack, Alexa Canady Davis, Rev. Carl Reeves, Rosemary Kirkland, Ann Hill, Neil Richards, Eddie Todd, Tony McCray and guests Valerie Kendrick, community educator for the AmeriCorps Oil Spill VISTA Team, United Way, and Gloria Horning, public information officer of BRACE (Be Ready Coordinating for Emergencies). Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Rev. Carl Reeves noted that crime continues to be on the increase. Dolores Curry said that the second demonstration of the police surveillance cameras will be scheduled during the week of Jan. 17 and asked those interested in attending to call with times that are best for them to attend.

Vivian Lamont gave a round-up of recent Belmont Youth Band activities, including performances for troubled youth in Munson; singing at the Belmont-DeVilliers Christmas ceremony and distributing stockings underwritten by the association; New Year’s Eve performances on WRNE radio at the station. An interview by TV anchor Sue Straughan will be aired on WEAR-TV 3 at 6 pm on Jan. 10.

Rev. John Powell asked the community to refer to the building he manages for Truth for Youth as the “Belmont Building” (the building was formerly Smith Bakery and the Window Factory). He said that Truth for Youth (the 501-c-3 owner of the building) is a tenant of the building, but that is not the name of the building. Neither is the name the “Belmont Arts Center,” even though that group is associated with the building as well. He hopes there will be less confusion from visitors if we all use the one name for the building.

Neil Richards reported that the Pensacola aquarium proposal is picking up steam and supporters are fundraising at present to pay for a feasibility study. A view of the proposed aquarium and other details are at: Mr. Richards can be reached at

Eddie Todd reported that Terence Henderson of Team Media Creations is designing a calendar of events for Belmont-DeVilliers. Event dates are needed immediately. Email them to Mr. Todd at

Mr. Todd also stated that the Community Maritime Park board is moving forward and that all the media coverage and legal maneuvering has not interfered with construction. He said the board is trying to put every dollar to good use. The board is also looking to make good use of its contingency dollars. Mr. Todd noted the added advantage that a new Double-A ball team will be playing at the park.

The Neighborhood Association meetings and the Feb. 19 Black History Festival were suggested for the calendar. Ms. Curry asked Mr. Todd if the front room of his building can be used for hospitality during the festival, and he said he would try to accommodate her request. There was some discussion about the planning meetings for the festival and the need for the Belmont Building and the Rev. Powell and his staff to be kept in the loop.

Dottie Dubuisson reported that one meeting room at the Belmont Building is still available, but the Community Room is now being used on a regular basis for Friday night open mic gathering and for therapeutic art sessions for the Survivors of Suicide group. She said the hours the building is open to the public have been shortened, with closing at 4 pm most weekdays. The Belmont Youth Band continues to meet there on Saturday mornings. Ms. Dubuisson also mentioned that the Downtown Improvement Board is pooling with 12 businesses at $275 each for advertising in the Perdido Visitors Bureau’s annual vacation guide. Call the DIB for details.

Ms. Curry reminded everyone of the groundbreaking celebration at the Main Library on Friday afternoon.

Treasurer Alexa Canady Davis reported $2,077.34 in the association bank account. She also collected dues from several members, including Councilwoman Diane Mack, who noted this was the last meeting she would be attending as a city official. She invited members to attend the changing of the guard at City Hall at 11 am Monday. There will be a special reception at the council meeting. Councilwoman Mack was given a spontaneous round of applause in appreciation of her support of the meetings and the neighborhood during her tenure at City Hall.

Guests Valerie Kendrick and Gloria Horning discussed their efforts to bolster disaster preparedness among minorities in Pensacola. They noted research by Florida A&M University that found Escambia County is the worst prepared for minority response to any type of emergency. Ms. Kendrick and Dr. Horning help organize neighborhood Community Emergency Response Teams and encouraged members to sign up for free training on Jan. 11 at the American Red Cross on North Baylen or on Feb. 12 at New Covenant Christian Church on 12th Ave. Teen CERT training is also available. They are especially interested in updating our list of homebound residents who would need help with transportation and health-related needs during an emergency.

Details of these and other efforts may be found at,, and at Dr. Horning can be reached at 850-444-7041 or  and Ms. Kendrick at 850-549-7510 or .

The two guests also distributed coupons for free personal income tax preparation and a “Financial Resources, Websites and Best Financial Advice Ever” booklet produced by United Way. This info can be found at

Tony McCray distributed a Pensacola Voice article titled “REAP Summit Yields Economic Plan for Minority Businesses” that discussed the first REAP Summit in 2007. He requested an association logo to use with current advertising, which Mr. Todd will supply. He noted that the IBIS website in under construction at The website includes a write-up on Mr. McCray, who is the governmental affairs director of IBIS Partners LLC and the executive director of the IBIS Community Development Corporation.

Mr. McCray said he will arrange for an email blast with details on the update on the BP Community Benefits Agreement set for Tuesday evening.

Ms. Dubuisson mentioned the Pullman Porter lecture set for Jan. 15 and sponsored by the African American Heritage Association.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Ann Hill, secretary

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